Our infographics (and future infographics!) are based on the following websites and products. Support the authors and purchase their products!
[*Affiliate links]
- Lyle McDonald’s no-nonsense, science-backed website. If you want to know what’s happening on the molecular level, you’ll find it here. His very informative forum may be found here.
- Precision Nutrition: A very thorough company that posts definitive reviews on an array of health and fitness topics. See John Berardi’s amazing (free) PDF book on his experiments with Intermittent Fasting and what he learned.
- Get Drunk, Not Fat: Maximize your drinking nights while minimizing damage to your diet! You’re going to drink anyway, might as well drink … healthily?
Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Body
- Four Hour Body official site.
- Four Hour Body book on Amazon.*
- Tim’s new book The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life on Amazon.*
- NEED PAGG? Get it here at Pareto Nutrition!*
Intermittent Fasting: Each of these have different fasted/fed windows. Choose the one that agrees with your lifestyle best!
- Martin Berkhan’s Intermittent Fasting system for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain. (8 hours fed, 16 hours fasted.) Spectacular website full of free information.
- Warrior Diet: Ori Hofmekler’s Intermittent Fasting system. (4 hours overfeed, 20 hours underfeed.)*
- Eat Stop Eat: Brad Pilon’s Intermittent Fasting system (5 days fed, 2 days fasted.)*
- The Alternate-Day Diet: Turn on Your “Skinny Gene,” Shed the Pounds, and Live a Longer and HealthierLife: Donald R. Laub Sr. M.D.
- Fast-5 website | Fast-5 book (Amazon): By Bert W. Herring, M.D.
- Ripped Body: Andy Morgan’s amazing website full of free information. Closely follows Leangains protocols.
Paleo Diet: The differences in Paleo diet systems will be explained in an upcoming infographic!
- The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolfe. (More grass-fed/organic meats.)*
- The Paleo Answer by Loren Cordain. (More lean meats.)*
- The New Evolution Diet by Arthur De Vany (More vegetables.)*
- The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. (More plant-based foods.)* See Mark’s tremendously informative blog at and grab his free e-book!
- Paleo Cookbooks: Find recipes here!*
Atkins Diet:
- New Atkins for a New You: The Ultimate Diet for Shedding Weight and Feeling Great.*
- The New Atkins for a New You Cookbook: 200 Simple and Delicious Low-Carb Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less*
- Carb Counter App: One of the best carb counter apps for iPhone
- Low GI Carb App: If you’re going to eat carbs, use this app to make sure they’re low G.I.!
- Starting Strength: Mark Rippetoe’s program is similar to Stronglifts in advantages — compound exercises and always adding weight to the bar. Both programs are highly rated and you won’t find a winner between the two.*
- Max-OT by AST Sports Science: A fantastic training program for advanced weightlifters.
Huge selection, great price.*
- MyFitnessPal (iOS): One of the best calorie counter apps (free).